Dedicated to transformation. Devoted to organic spellbinding ingredients
Adem Oygur is meticulous when it comes to using products on hair and skin. His experience with sculpturing, crafting different types of hair has questioned the damaging chemicals in hair care products. This inspired him and triggered him to craft ADEM products tirelessly with intricate, delicate precision.
Pushing creative boundaries and fuelled by my drive to be the best, I have created this exclusive range of hazelnut oil skin and hair care products to deliver impressive results.

Adem Oygur, award-winning hair stylist

My family farm occupies 150 acres of agricultural land in Divaniturk, 800km east of Istanbul. This region is the world’s largest hazelnut producer with perfect growing conditions for cultivating the highest quality varieties of hazelnuts.
The hazel tree and its nut have been harvested by humans for thousands of years and included in a range of important products, from pastries to skin care. The filbert, as it is also known, has enriched us with its packet of oils and essential nutrients. Besides oil, this nut also contains fibre, protein, and one-third of a daily dose of folate (for skin care). Vitamins A, B, D and E are present as well, with E in high enough quantities that hazelnut oil is sometimes used as a preservative.